
Showing posts from August, 2020

Seven Second Subnetting

  Seven Second Subnetting Convert IP address and subnet mask to decimal Use chart to convert between CIDR-block notation and decimal Same chart also shows the number of devices per subnet Determine network/subnet address Second chart shows the starting subnet boundary  Determine broadcast address Chart below shows the ending subnet boundary  Calculate first and last usable IP address Add one from network address, subtract one from broadcast address

Calculating IPv4 Subnets and Host

VLSM (Variable length Subnet Masks) Class-based networks are inefficient The subnet mask is based on the network class Allow network administrators to define their own masks Customize the subnet mask to specific network requirements Use different subnet masks in the same classful network is the class A network - and would be VLSM Number of subnets = 2 subnet bits Hosts per subnet = 2 host bits - 2